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What brought you to JNSBL?

I was originally a part of the Workers Bank team since 1997. The company was taken over by the JN family in the year 2000, hence my transition to JNSBL.

 What has the 20 year journey been like? 

It has been a bittersweet 20 years.  My greatest satisfaction is the growth of my clients, in respect to their business and personal endeavours.  Relationships are essential to the strength of a micro portfolio, and I have always maintained an excellent relationship with all my clients.  There’s something special regarding a client whose child has moved from primary to secondary school and now has the ability to access tertiary education with the assistance of JNSBL.

 What do you love most about JNSBL? 

The dynamism of the team, and that they are readily able to respond to the market and clientโ€™s needs with relevant solutions regardless of the economic climate. I am also pleased about the social benefits offered to our clients as we engage them in workshops and other forums to educate them on various aspects of business development and improvement in family life.

 What would you love to see happen for JNSBL over the next 20 years? 

I hope that we continue to be market leaders, always innovative and dynamic. I also hope that we continue to develop our workforce to handle the increasing and changing demands as well as to keep placing clients at the forefront of what we do. As a result, we will continue to have satisfied and loyal clients.

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